Saturday, May 30, 2009

The coolest thing happened today...

Last year P&C and I picked up Matthew Buckley's "Chicken's in the Headlights." We later read "Bullies in the Headlights" as well. These books tell the story of a family of 7 (yes, seven!!!) boys growing up in a pretty small house...let's face it, any house is small when faced with that level of little boy energy!

Five of the seven brothers share a room and the pandemonium that this causes is hilarious. At the beginning of the first book the frazzled parents decide that what they need to tame their troop is good old fashion hard work. So they give their rowdy boys goats and chickens to care for...hehehe...

For me, the funniest part of this book is the concept that adding chickens and goats to this family would somehow bring LESS chaos. Perrin and Connor love all the little boy craziness. As soon as we finished "Chickens" they started asking me for more brothers. When that didn't work, they wrote to Santa to ask for a transporter, so they could transport into Mr. Buckley's book.

I was beyond excited when Mr. Buckley announced on his blog that he would be appearing in Logan. And the whole reason Perrin & Connor got out of bed today was to meet the guy who wrote one of their favorite books. Mr. Buckley was very nice to P&C, and even to me...I must have seemed like a crazy lady, standing there, telling him how much my boys liked his books. :o) Most of you know that I would do back flips to get Perrin to read. And books like the "Headlights" make my job that much easier.


shelley said...

Books/Reading are lifelines to life. I love to read :) That is sooo awesome you were able to meet the author and especially for your boys!! Yay! for such a great experience and Yay! for books!

Jill said...

Crazy lady or not its awesome to meet someone who has created excitement in your kids. I think its awesome you guys got to go. They sound like cool books too.

Jeanie said...

Cool! Those books sound like they would be great to read!

Brenda said...

Love your Robert Jordan quote!! :-)

Chrissy said...

That is really cool. That guy looks so young too, that's neat that he is an author.

Unknown said...

AWESOME!! What a fun experience. They look like they're having a great time in the photo.

I loved chickens in the headlights. Sounds like I'd better read the sequel.

Is Matthew Buckley still writing books?

Marion Jensen said...

It was great to meet you and Perrin and Connor. I'm glad you all liked the books!