Friday, May 22, 2009

How has it come to this?

Who ever said Working Moms have it all was an idiot...
The other day, Perrin & Connor (who are 2 of the 3 loves of my life) asked me to make pancakes for breakfast. No big deal, right? This should not have been a crisis. I love my boys AND I love to cook. Until this year, I made (from scratch) all the food they ate.
It's not that pancakes are even hard to's the cooking AND the clean up that drives me to serve Campbell's and cold cereal over and over. Let's just say, a lot has changed since I started working.
I just can't keep up with all the things I used to do. I gave up my book club and can barely remember to show up for my beloved knitting group. We can get Perrin and Connor to scouts, but not to archery. And poor Shane hasn't read a book in months.
Don't get me's not all's just different, and much much busier. I am so looking forward to the boys summer break.
So, back to the point of all this ranting...what did I do when my darlings asked for such a labor intensive meal? hehehe Did you know McDonald's serves pancakes?


Brenda said...


Kimberly said...

Love this! Love you guys! Kimberly