Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Happy Valentine

Anyone who knows Shane, knows he can't do anything in a small way.  He's a "Go Big or Go Home" kinda guy.  So when he was asked to put together an Elder's Quorum Valentine's Day dinner, I knew we where in for something special.

He spent an entire month planing and putting it all together.  From the center pieces he designed and built, to the prime rib dinner and entertainment it was a night to remember.

Our boys worked hard to help us set up.  They also served dessert and helped clean up.

It was probably the funnest Valentine's Day I have ever had.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cisco, Swimming and Sickies

This year our January Bear Lake vacation was a low key affair. Most of us where pretty sick, so we really spent most of the time sleeping.

We did play a lot of  games.  We also watched movies and did a little swimming.  When all was said and done, we only had one day of fishing.

And although it sounds like we had a sad, depressing time, the whole vacation was quite lovely.  It gave us time for much needed rest and family time.

I couldn't be bothered to drag out the camera, so here are some pictures from our past Bear Lake adventures.

Clear water 2011

Fog in the valley 2012

Ice on the lake 2013