My goal to deep clean stalled out at the master closet. It's not that I stopped working. It's that I got...distracted...which come to think of it, may be why I am not the best housekeeper.
My master closet is where I keep my stash. Which means I had yarn hidden everywhere it could possibly fit. In an effort to organize the closet I pulled out aaaaalllll that yarn (mmmm yarn) and made a "stash chart", listing amount, weight, color and the fiber it is made of. MAN! I have a lot of really GREAT yarn! I also have A LOT of acrylic (acrylic, a-CRY-lic, acryl-ICK)
So there I sat in the middle of all that yarnie goodness. And I thought, "Well, deep cleaning often includes de-cluttering. I'll start the purge by using up all this yarn!" And I've been crocheting ever since. It's been hard to stay so focused, but I am sacrificing my time for the good of my family. We will all benefit from a cleaner, more organized home...really, I'm doing it all for them...
"The Deep Clean" has moved forward however! Shane spent last Saturday cleaning out the office closet. (Something I secretly never intended to do.)
So the effort continues. "The Deep Clean" moves forward and all my Cub Scouts have new beanies. Everyone's happy...
Secretly never intended? You make me laugh.
I love your way of thinking! Sounds like how deep cleaning would be at my house.
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