Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I think my brain is melting...

Knitting Monogamy: the state of having only one knitting project at any one time.
ie...Knitting monogamy is soooo boring, I think my brain is melting.

I'm a loyal girl. I met my best friend when we where 5. I've been married to the guy I dated in high school for 11 years. So why do I have such a hard time with project monogamy?

I currently have 4 projects on needles right now & we're just talking about knitting...leave my crochet hooks out of this... I have enough yarn on hand to keep me busy for a long long long time.

Here's my problem. I love the yarn shop, I love yarn shopping and I love love casting on a new project. I don't always love finishing what I have cast's a sickness. Seriously, there should be a 12 step program.

So now I am TRYING to finish all old projects before starting anything new. So far I'm doing pretty good. 4 is actually a good number for me. (And lets face it, I'm never going to finish those socks, until I see Heidi again.)

I'm hoping this public announcement will keep me honest. It's getting pretty dicing...all that beautiful linen I bought in Alaska is calling to me from the closet


Brenda said...

LOL! Totally kwym! I have put a moratorium on my scrapbook paper buying and bead buying until I use up some of what I already have taking up space all over the house. I really have no idea how many projects I have started at this point. Maybe I'll go count, but the thought of that is a little scary! :-)

Jill said...

Yup, that's the way I am too. I only have one project left to finish and I cannot find the right yarn for it. I have been searching for years so maybe I'll send you a sample and you can help me out.