Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Girl From Utah...or Geographically Challenged

*So I grew up in Utah. I have always lived in the Rockies. I have listened patiently while N-B (my college roommate) described prairie sunrises and complained about the mountains getting in the way of the view. And I listened with amusement as she talked about claustrophobia and the fear that the mountains would someday come crashing down on us. I have read Willa Cather’s description of a charmed childhood on the Plains. But I could never believe that anywhere could be as beautiful as my mountain home.
*My education began on Friday, when Shane, the boys and I loaded down the old Saturn and headed across this great wide US of A.
*I have always felt like driving into Wyoming is like coming to the top of the world. You drive up up up until you come out on top of the mountains. It feels like your above everything. As you continue across WY the feeling fades, especially as you climb “The Sisters” in between Evanston and the Bridgerland. Keep going east on I 80 and pretty soon all you see is sage brush and the big beautiful sky.
*Most people think that that part of WY is ugly. Since my view of the sky has always been obstructed by the mountains I find WY to be stunning! The stillness and the size of the sky are unimaginable.
*Nebraska is big and flat, and kind of boring to drive across. I did find it interesting that the cities and towns aren’t right off the freeway. In Utah our cities are hemmed in, between the mountains and the lake in Provo and SLC. Or they’re crammed into a valley, like in Logan. We have serious space limitations. On the Plains, with unlimited space, nothing is against the freeway, because nothing has to be.
*We did all this driving in one day. From Logan, thru WY and NE, into Missouri, for a visit with Tara and Kent and their girls. We were on the road for 19 hours!!! (I can’t describe MO because it was dark for all of our driving there)
*We had a great time at Tara and Kent’s. We finally got to see their VERY cute new house. We also got to see Kent’s school. I always love when my kids get a chance to play with Ali, Bri and Madi. They always have fun and I always hope they are build friendships that will be with them into adulthood (like I have with some of my cousins)
*I love to spend time in the kitchen with Tara. I think it is because we are the same kind mom. We both strive to find balance between our home and the world. We are both interesting in learning new ways to be self-sufficient. And we (Tara much more than I) are trying to break out of our “raised on a farm” “white bread” “meat and potato” eating habits. Tara is a great example to me in this. She always has good ideas on healthy eating habits.
*I have much more to write about our drive across this GIANT glorious country. But this post is already too long. I’ll post again soon.
*Happy Thanksgiving. I hope your all well and happy.


Stacie said...

I hope you are having a wonderful time traveling. And I thought my 15 hour trip from Utah to Nebraska was long....19 hours, whew!! I think I'd be numb from the waist down. :) I'm so happy you get to do this trip.

Randy & Laura said...

I love it when I have new things to read about from you! :) love ya!

shelley said...

loved your commentary on all the states! a virtual tour for all of us :) thank you for sharing! happy thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Jam, I love that when I'm with you I'm inspired to bake!! You're so fun to hang out with. Thanks again for coming, we had such a fun time!! Anytime you want to come back, do!!