Monday, June 16, 2008

Why I homeschool

After my last post, my friend Shelly asked why we decided to homeschool. Well, there are so many reason, my answer got too long to leave as a comment. So that's why I'm making this post...
In 2005 Perrin came out of 2nd grade with a Kindergarten reading level. Kindergarten and 1st grade where a challenge for him. But 2nd grade was brutal! He was the kid in class that couldn't read. Instead of pulling him out of class for in school (free) tutoring, we chose to find a private tutoring program. It worked well, but at $20.00 an hour 6 hours a week, we couldn't keep it up for more than a year.
Connor had the opposite problem. He was the bored kid. We spent so much time practicing reading skills at home with Perrin that Connor went to Kindergarten reading at a 1st grade level. All of Kindergarten was a repeat for him. He is also a really fast learner and spent most of his public school time driving the teacher crazy.
When it was time for Perrin to start 3rd grade, we had to make a change. Deciding to homeschool wasn't easy. This was the year that both my kids would have been in school full time. I had been looking forward to getting a part time job and doing more volunteer work. When we started I committed for no more that 2 years. I thought I'd get Perrin back on track and chuck them both back into public school. :o)
In the fall, we will start our 3rd year of homeschool. Perrin's reading is getting better everyday. He is still not at grade level but is much closer. His math skill have increased as well as his knowledge in history and science.
Connor soaks up everything I teach! He is a very good reader and can remember science and history facts with ease. He is also very good at math, he has caught up with Perrin, so I teach the same grade level to both my boys.
As for the future...I don't know how long we'll keep homeschooling. My vague plan is to teach core curriculum at home for Jr High and High school and have them attend public school for extracurricular activities. Many high schools offer college courses now, so it is my hope that my boys will leave me at 18 with an Associates Degree. You never know what the future will hold, but this is what I'm planning and hoping for.
I'd also like to say, homeschool is not for everyone! It is a huge (and hopefully prayerful) decision. There are not only academic but social issues to think about. I often tell people the hardest thing about homeschooling is just doing it. Getting up everyday and having school when no one else is telling you to.
Anyway, I hope I answered your question Shel. If anyone else has questions just let me know.


Colleen said...

I think it's awesome that you are homeschooling. If you can do it, i'm all for it! I have a friend here who homeschools and she loves it. Whatever works for you huh!

shelley said...

hey james! thanx for the awesome post! sorry if I was a little nosy ;o) i think it is great that you are able to do this everyday... and like you said.. 'when no one is telling you to". a lot of dedication ! your boys are in great hands.. thanks again, friend..

Jammie said...

I don't think you where nosy. I don't mind answering your questions. :o)

Jill said...

Homeschooling is hard work and I salute all the moms who do it. we have really considered it ourselves but decided we were going to try a private school first. (anything to stay away from the public school dist. that are all terrible) Best of luck as you continue.

Marc said...

This makes me wonder what our future will hold in a few years from now when Isabella starts school. I admire you for homeschooling - I don't think I could do it.- chrissy