Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Pal...

Tonight we hiked up Little Mountain. (Sorry, no pictures. I forgot the camera.) Little Mountain is basically a big hill of lava rock in the middle of the valley. There are lots of cool caves, which we didn't really get to explore. (forgot the flashlight too) And there is a great view from the top.

So I was a little tired tonight and lagging way behind. Connor came back to find me and we had this little conversation:

Connor: "Want to hold hands, Mom?
Me: "Sure Connor, are you my pal?"
Connor: "Yes! You can always rely on me. When ever you call I will always come. When I'm a grownup, and you feel lonely, you can just call me and I'll come over."

How's that for a Mother's Day treat! Connor is a sweet, sweet boy and I am lucky to be his Mom!


Lacie Perry said...

That's my conner boy. He always comes up with the funnest things. Or in this case sweetest!! My fav is "When I'm done with my wife, will you watch my kids!!" He did mean when they wanted a kid free night, but I almost lost it! Jam you have very wonderful boys (even Shane!!) And I am so lucky to be included in your life.
Love ya

Chrissy said...

That is so sweet! Happy Mother's Day!

Unknown said...

Cute. You're a lucky mommy!

Jeanie said...

How sweet!! Kids are precious :)