Valera Petersen taught me to be "more"
What ever she did, she did in a giant way. She didn't just keep a garden, she had the most beautiful yard I've even seen and grew enough veg to share with every neighbor she had. Every meal at her house was a feast and if she was going to make Halloween treats, then there would be enough for EVERY child in town!
My darling, Heidi Perry will continue that lesson. When Heidi decides to do something, (yoga, knitting, running...) she does it all the way. And no one loves like Heidi Ann Perry. To be loved by her is to be loved completely and forever.
More than any thing, these two ladies have taught me to "fight the good fight." Because of them, I will "square my shoulders and look hard in the eyes."
Thru Heidi, I believe that I can continue Valera's legacy. And to do so, I am going to have to step up my game. If I intend to be a credit to Valera Petersen, I believe I must put into practice my favorite quote from the movie "The Last Samurai"
"From the moment they wake they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue."
Here's to pulling my hair back, and going to work. Here's to perfecting my life. Here's to being more.